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@uisachin·구독자 150K
남사친 여사친은 선택? 의사친은 필수! 의사인 친구 한명쯤 있으면 좋겠다는 생각. 안 해본 사람이 있을까요? 평소 궁금했지만 묻기 어렵고 부끄러웠던 질문, 부담되는 상담/진료비, 바쁜 일상에 맞추기 힘든 진료시간 등 각종 이유로 넘기 힘든 진료실 문턱을 없애기 위해 의사친들이 모였습니다. 낮이든, 밤이든 24시간 아무 때나 불러내도 괜찮아요. 당신의 의사사람친구! 의사친이니까! Are boyfriends and girlfriends a choice? A friend who is a doctor is a must! Who hasn't thought about having at least one doctor friend? Questions that were usually curious but difficult to ask, embarrassing, burdensome medical bills, hours of care that are hard to meet your busy daily life, etc. Doctors have gathered to remove the threshold of a clinic that is difficult to overcome for various reasons. It's okay to call us out 24 hours a day or night. Your doctor friends! We're doctors' friends! Korea's medical and medical doctors are the best in the world!! 비즈니스 문의 : uisachin.biz@gmail.com
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