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@mathemaniac·구독자 222K
Hi, I am Trevor. This channel discusses maths (or physics) concepts that I am passionate about, and tackles them in a novel perspective. For example, most people introduced Green's functions with lots of DE concepts, but my video on the topic did so from electrostatics, providing a vivid image of point charges. The new perspectives are not meant to be "easier" to understand, and I have never intended the videos to be pedagogical; the videos are just some interesting concepts and arguments you have not heard before on YouTube (maybe anywhere). For those who are wondering, I don't use coding to produce my videos, and while stylistically similar to 3Blue1Brown, I don't use Manim (Grant's mathematical animation Python library) to produce my videos. I actually use PowerPoint, GeoGebra and (sometimes) Mathematica to produce my videos.
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