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Refactoring to Kotlin
@RefactoringDuncan·구독자 2.87K
Advanced Kotlin with Extreme Programming (XP), covering Java to Kotlin, Test Driven Development (TDD), Refactoring, and Object Oriented (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP). Co-author (with Nat Pryce) of the O'Reilly book Java to Kotlin - A Refactoring Guidebook, Duncan has been programming computers since 1981, but still consistently fails do things properly the first time. Luckily he is much better at refactoring than he is typing, so can you can watch him fix things on this channel. Eventually this channel will make Duncan enough money to return to the first person, but in the meantime you could show your appreciation though the medium of PayPal - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DuncanMcGregor
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