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Daulat Hussain
@daulathussain·21.8K subscribers
I’m Daulat Hussain, a Full-Stack blockchain developer, teacher, and the founder & CEO of The Blockchain Coders. 1 - 1 Consultancy: When I started coding, I was struggling. I landed an internship and had to use React for a project, but I didn’t know how. I turned to countless courses and books, but they only taught theory. Nothing helped. The courses left me confused, bored, demotivated, and helpless. They taught concepts…but none of them taught me how to use those concepts to make something real. Many days I was unable to write even a single line of code. I was so close to giving up. My love for coding was the only thing keeping me going. After a lot of trial and error and unending frustration, I finally discovered the best way to learn to code & amaz by Web3 technology, so I decided to learn blockchain development, at the start did know how to start. The answer?
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