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KBS 다큐
@KBSDocumentary·2.18M subscribers
✔KBS 다큐멘터리 | KBS 공식 유튜브 채널 [KBS 다큐]입니다 | KBS 공식 유튜브 채널 [KBS 다큐] ©️ KBS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 📝 문의: | KBS Official YouTube Channel [KBS Documentary] ©️ KBS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 📝 🏢 Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea) 🎥 KBS is the key public service media of Korea, whose history goes back to KBC established in 1927 that aired the first radio signals in Korea. On the enriched soil of its predecessors, SCB founded in 1947 after the Independence and started TV broadcasting in 1961, KBS has transformed to a public service broadcaster in 1973, to play a pivotal role of fair and trustworthy media.
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