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@Endermanch·344K subscribers
I make quality Windows experimenting and malware reviewing videos. Subscribe for some great stuff, it is always on its way! 😃 I **DO NOT** accept sponsorships. The mailbox below is only for YouTube colleagues, partners and advertisers. Anything regarding promotional offers will be ignored, unless I appreciate and trust your brand. If you want to send a fan mail, a video idea, your thoughts and suggestions, please send e-mails to! I get plenty of messages daily - I try to answer them all. My channel, though, is a one-man project - it's just not possible. Sometimes I wish there were 48 hours in a day. I cannot guarantee answering to your e-mail because I still get a ton of weird malware review requests and sponsorships that I skip - your message might get drowned in all that. There's a way better chance to catch me on Discord, but it's for channel members only. My official website: #endermanch #technology #virus #windows #experiments
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